Hi and welcome to our calico cat names page. The page where you'll find the attention grabbing pet name you've been looking for.
So you own a spotted cat, or are thinking of getting one. And you need an awesome name to go with your pet. And we're here to help you find one!
Calico cats (or sometimes tricolor cats) are one of our favorite domestic cats. We love their multicolored coat. They’re known throughout the world under different names. In Quebec, Canada they're called Chatte d’Espagne. And in Japan mi-ke. Lapjeskat in the Netherlands. |
Some calicoes with a weaker color pattern are sometimes called calimanco (clouded tiger). And mixed with a tabby cat they’re often called caliby.
Just know that calico cats are not a breed. The name just refers to the color pattern. Calicoes are known to appear for many breeds, including Persian, Turkish Van, American shorthair and Japanese Bobtail.
But here you are. In search of a special pet name for this special feline. And that is just what we’ve got. We applied our “professional” name generating process to these lovely felines.
The result?
20 awesomely original names befitting of calico cats.
Hi and welcome to our calico cat names page. The page where you'll find the attention grabbing pet name you've been looking for.
So you own a spotted cat, or are thinking of getting one. And you need an awesome name to go with your pet. And we're here to help you find one!
Calico cats (or sometimes tricolor cats) are one of our favorite domestic cats. We love their multicolored coat.
They’re known throughout the world under different names. In Quebec, Canada they're called Chatte d’Espagne. And in Japan mi-ke. Lapjeskat in the Netherlands.
Some calicoes with a weaker color pattern are sometimes called calimanco (clouded tiger). And mixed with a tabby cat they’re often called caliby.
Just know that calico cats are not a breed. The name just refers to the color pattern. Calicoes are known to appear for many breeds, including Persian, Turkish Van, American shorthair and Japanese bobtail.
But here you are. In search of a special pet name for this special feline. And that is just what we’ve got. We applied our “professional” name generating process to these lovely felines.
The result?
20 awesomely original names befitting of calico cats.
1 -Zukini, a flashy Italian style pet name.
2 -Gordo, an unusual one for a pet. Nevertheless it makes sense.
3 -Angy, what a lovely name to give to a calico feline.
4 -Snotty, an example for a playful, funny and original cat name.
5 -Jinky, one of those nicknames that makes perfect sense as a pet name.
6 -Trix, referring to their often tricolored coat.
7 -Toxic, we thought long and hard about including this one. A very unusual, but cool pet name.
8 -Hommies, a word that flows so smoothly. It always remids us of a cuddly, fluffy kitten.
9 -Misty, an Ace favorite. We see this one becoming a classic.
10 -Keko, a jumpy and out of the ordinary name for a feline. We dig it!
11 -Dotty, a cat with spots and dots can carry a name like Dotty!
12 -Dizzo, one of those examples that just fits perfectly.
13 -Sponge, a telling name. Because a calico cat has absorbed all the available colors into herself.
14 -Sigi, take this one if you have 2 calicoes. Combine it with Bigi.
15 -Bigi, see Sigi! Makes an adorable name combo if you have 2 calicoes!
16 -Fergie, we loved this as a name for humans as well as pets.
17 -Domix, our top personal favorite. Period. The more you hear it, the better it gets.
18 -Jaboo, such a cartoonish, light and airy word. We just had to include it!
19 -Mondie, a lovely round and smooth word. For adorable cats only!
20 -Mellow, meaning smooth, full, warm and soft. All the characteristics and features of a cute cat.
And there you have it, our most befitting calico cat names.
Examples that add character to your pet.
If you like to see more unusual pet names see our directory. We always advise our visitors to have a look at our other pet name pages too. For example get inspiration by seeing some cool dog names. Or see what we have come up for pet fish, crabs, rabbits and, yes, even horses!
Thank you for shopping pet names with us. Bye!
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